News Article on 28th Dec. 2020 The Japanese government set challenging target as “Green Growth Strategy” on 14 technical fields. Anticipate economic effect by 190 trillion effect by 2050.
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News Article on 28th Dec. 2020 The Japanese government set challenging target as “Green Growth Strategy” on 14 technical fields. Anticipate economic effect by 190 trillion effect by 2050.
The Growth Strategy Council in the Japanese government (chair: Katsunobu Kato Chief Cabinet Secretary) showed “Green Growth Strategy” which is based on the achievement of carbon neutral by 2050. Execution plan which shows difficulties and schedule has set on 14 important fields. The precondition of the electricity demand on 2050 for the Green Growth Strategy was estimated to be 1.3 trillion ~ 1.5 trillion kWh, which corresponds to the increase by 30% to 50% from the present situation. It was emphasized that to cover 100% of the demand by renewable energy would be difficult. Japan needs to tackle on carbon neutral utilizing any political actions such as budget, tax structure, finance, innovation of regulation.
This “Green Growth Strategy” is policy for industries to make good circulation between the economy and the environment in Japan while they tackle to achieve carbon neutral by 2050.
In this strategy, 14 important fields have been selected (See the thumbnail) and for each filed, challenging target, the current difficulties and schedule in the future have been described. Then, execution plans which include any political actions such as budget, tax structure, finance, innovation of regulation, standardization, international cooperation, etc. have been set.
The Japanese government will implement the plans steadily. Also, the plans will be revised as necessary because the government will describe the plans further in detail with cooperating related ministries and government offices
The designated 14 important fields are expected to be further developed in Japan with the aid from the government.
Direct link to the introduction of “Green Growth Strategy” by the Japanese government: (↑ In English)
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