News Article on 19th Jan. 2021 In Japan, by 2035 all newly sold car will be EV…The Japanese Prime Minister Suga declared

referred to “Automotive media Response”
In Japan, by 2035 All newly sold car will be EV…The Japanese Prime Minister Suga declared we will achieve

In 2021 in Japan, ordinary session of the Diet started from 18th Jan. The Japanese Prime Minister Suga declared in the policy statement that the government would achieve 100% of newly sold car being EV by 2035. So far, the time to achieve has been not clear, but he made it clear in the statement.

In the last autumn, he declared that Japan would achieve carbon neutral by 2050. According to this declaration, the government formulated “Green Growth Strategy” in the last December.
In this formulation, the government targeted to spread renewable energy equipment, to build hydrogen-based society etc., and also, to make 100% of newly sold car EV by the middle of 2030’s.

Next to the declaration about the achievement of carbon neutral by 2050, the Japanese Prime Minister Suga has established a big political challenge. Increase of the number of EV will affects the society in several perspective. For example, EV can play a role of buck-up power source when emergency. EV does not exhaust CO2 during driving, which is good point for the environment. The larger increase of EVs, the greater the good effect will be. However, the larger increase of EV, the larger number of power plant we will need. We also need to care when people tend to charge up EVs. Otherwise, deficiency of electricity might happen at a moment, which might lead to blackout.   

Therefore, to increase the number of EV as the government says, support is necessary from not only automobile industry but also electric utility industry.

Indeed, regulation of selling gasoline-powered vehicles has been already tackled in the other countries than Japan.
(↑ in Japanese)

ナゼる アシスタント
I thought that Japan is the fastest but I learned that we are slower than the other countries,, actually.